A Patients Guide To Colon Hydrotherapy:
Colon Hydrotherapy is not a new treatment; the first recorded use of "colon lavage" was in 1500 BC. It is a safe and effective treatment that flushes old waste material and toxins from the body, while stimulating the immune system and improving proper organ function.
Using FDA cleared equipment, purified warm water is infused into the colon and released through a disposable tube into the sewage system. Impacted fecal matter and toxic buildup are gently cleansed, thoroughly removed, and swept away.
Some of the physiological benefits of colon hydrotherapy include: strengthening the muscle tone of the colon, promoting regularity in the bowels and increasing ones' natural eliminatory system. These effects allow vital nutrients to be absorbed easier, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and healthier.
Unlike an enema, which only cleanses 8-12 inches of the sigmoid colon, a colonic can potentially cleanse the entire 5 foot length of the large intestine.
Colon Hydrotherapy is useful before and after medical diagnostic procedures, such as barium enema and colonoscopy. It is also a great support treatment for drug and alcohol detoxification.
The equipment used at Colon Care Co. is manufactured through strict medical guidelines and is approved for use by the FDA, Health Canada and the European Health Authority as well as other health authorities around the world. Our equipment the AQUANET 2000 EC offers advanced automatic pressure control. This revolutionary system allows our colon hydrotherapists to use a unique combination of pressure control and gravity flow to create a custom treatment for your body and cleansing goals. We use disposable, single-use speculums, as well as other equipment that is carefully disinfected and sanitized after each use.
While there are no strict guidelines to prepare for your treatment, our therapists do have a list of best-practice suggestions:
We carry anywhere from 5-25 pounds of fecal matter - old waste material that's lodged into the nooks and crevices of the intestinal walls. Once it's removed, clients can experience immediate weight loss. Since toxins also contribute to a build up of excess fat on your body, removing them kick starts your 'slim down' mechanism. Be amazed at your body's own detox!
Both natural and chemical laxatives can irritate and dehydrate the colon wall and destroy both friendly and unfriendly bacteria in the bowel. In addition, if you take laxatives on a regular basis your body may become dependent on them. Pharmaceutical companies are providing drugs that over-stimulate the colon and force elimination in a unnatural and potentially detrimental way. In contrast, colon hydrotherapy uses warm, purified water to gently clean the colon, thereby not irritating the colon walls. It poses no risk of dependency, and it does not interfere with the rest of the digestive system.
A colon hydrotherapy session lasts about one hour.Care and consideration is taken for your comfort and privacy at all times. A small hygienic, disposable tube (called a speculum) is placed only about 2 inches into the anus. The waste hose and the purified water tube are then connected. Clients lay comfortably on their backs for most of the session, and water gently flows in and out at a pace they control. The therapist monitors and operates the equipment, supporting the client throughout the session. Gas and waste flow through the evacuation hose directly into the sewer system so there is no odor or mess. For your comfort disposable shorts are provided to ensure modesty.
This depends on the needs of each individual. After your first treatment, you can discuss with your therapist as to how many and how often you may want to schedule colonics. As a new patient you may wish to book a series of colonics to kick start the cleansing process and aid in more efficient functioning of the colon. You may also choose to book only 1 – 2 colonics throughout the year. We like to recommend that a person schedule yearly appointments around the change of seasons and more frequently during a cleansing program.
There are certain instances when one should not have a colonic. If you have had abdominal surgery within the past 6 months, intestinal perforation, renal insufficiency, the presence of tumors or cysts, pregnancy, colon or rectal surgery, abdominal hernia, diverticulitis or congestive heart failure. Your colon hydrotherapist will ask you to fill out a form and will do a pre-session interview with you to make sure you are safe to have a colonic.
Most people have a comfortable experience with colon hydrotherapy and after their treatment report feeling lighter with increased energy.
Rarely, one may experience minor fatigue, cramping or nausea due to the colonic stirring up old build-ups and toxins. If any discomfort takes place, it is recommended to apply a heating pad to the abdomen and rest. Additional tips include taking a warm bath, drinking vegetable broth, peppermint, fennel or chamomile tea, and using therapeutic grade essential oil of peppermint on your abdomen. Any of these tips usually provide a soothing effect at this time, and within 24 hours any discomfort will typically will pass. Your regular pattern of bowel movements may be temporarily disrupted, but will return to normal within a day or two. Some people feel slightly bloated after a colonic due to solid stool being hydrated during the treatment. This bloating normally subsides within a day or two. Some may require a follow up treatment.
While it's definitely a new experience for many people, most clients report the feeling as 'unusual' and not uncomfortable or painful in any way. A disposable speculum is gently inserted only a couple of inches into the anus. It's normal to feel a bit of cramping similar to what you may feel when you have a bowel movement. The gentle flow of water can actually become quiet relaxing. Your're encouraged to settle in and enjoy your music selection, use the time to catch up on your latest Neflix program or surf the net.
Our colon has been dubbed "the seat of all health". This important area is populated by a wide range of bacteria, both 'good and bad'. As food, environmental toxins and impacted old fecal matter build up, you may experience symptoms such as brain fog and skin issues. This is a signal that the 'bad' bacteria are taking over. Both "good" and "bad" bacteria will be washed out during the treatment. By cleansing the colon you are essentially flushing the harmful bacteria out. Now the friendly bacteria have space to flourish and perform all of their important work. Therefore while it is true that both bacteria are flushed out, once your system is balanced it is actually the "good" bacteria that will prevail and reproduce.
There is a strong connection between the brain, the gut and the colon and exciting new discoveries are being made each year through extensive research. Gut flora plays a key role in our overall wellness and colon hydrotherapy can produce an environment where friendly microbes can thrive. This is excellent news for any health and wellness regime.
Happy Colon, Happy Life
If you have any of the following conditions, please consult your Doctor before booking your colonic session.
It might be easier to list what it cannot help with, but constipation and digestive issues are among the most popular issues supported by Colon Hydrotherapy .
Some Conditions Colon Hydrotherapy can help support include:
Constipation is one of the top reasons a person will seek Colon Hydrotherapy.
Intestinal constipation results in cellular constipation, which then increases the workload of your kidneys, skin, lymph system and all other organs.
It is extremely important for your best health to keep all these systems moving!
As Dr. J.H. Kellogg said, “We are literally poisoning ourselves into illness when the bowel evacuation is deficient,” as reported in Journal of the American Medical Association, 1917.
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An In Home Colon Hydrotherapy Clinic